Conservation Commission Meeting Minutes
7:00 p.m.
1130 Main Street
Holden Senior Center
Members Present: Matthew Kennedy; Robert Lowell; Nancy Rocheleau; Ken Strom; Anthony Costello: Michael Scott
Members Absent: Leonard Anderson
Staff Present: Pamela Harding; Cynthia Smith
Others: Julian Votruba - NEED LLC; David Clarke - B.A. Sundin; George Kiritsy Esq. - C.B. Blair Dev. Corp.; Dan Leahy - C.B.Blair Dev. Corp.; Cleland Blair Jr.
N.O.I. 506 Reservoir St. - Julian Votruba was present for Dan Hazen. He gave the Board water calculations that have been done and show the need for 5 - 10" pipes. He will provide the Board with more copies of these calculations. K. Strom requested that a stamped plan be submitted as well. This case will be continued to February 1, 2006.
N.O.I. 28 Lexington Cir. - David Clarke gave the Board a revised plan showing the area staked. They are planning to build a retaining wall that will be approximately 6' - 8' high that will require fill on the backside of the retaining wall. The wall will be made out of 3' - 4' boulders. K. Strom requested that the plan be stamped. There will be trees taken down without the use of a skidder. N. Rocheleau moved to close the hearing and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining.
N.O.I. 117 Wachusett St. - Dan Leahy, George Kiritsy and Cleland Blair were present. G. Kiritsy explained that he had advised that this lot was grandfathered and therefore did not require a N.O.I. filing. He stated that the rear of the lot had plantings on it. This lot also has as on site septic system. He suggested that they could draft language in the Deed of the property restricting further activity without the filing of a N.O.I. A. Costello asked if further remediation plantings could be done along the haybale line up to the front of the lot. M. Kennedy wants to see the language that they are proposing for the limitations on the lot. He also stated that the ignoring of the cease and desist order that was issued warrants some sort of fine. He requested that they bring a plan showing the replanted area and the language
that will be used for this lot stating the limitations. The case was continued to Feb. 1st.
Alden Woods Violation - George Kiritsy stated that the plans for this have been sent to a consultant Engineer for input on how to proceed. This case was continued to Feb. 1st.
N.O.I. 11 Courtney Dr. - Cleland Blair Jr. discussed with the Board the types of options that could be put into language for this property that would ensure the maintenance of the detention pond in the future. This case was continued to Feb. 1st.
R. Lowell moved to accept the minutes of December 7, 2005 and N. Rocheleau seconded. The vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining.
Other Business
M. Scott had a few questions on the Town's by-laws for Conservation.
Orders of Conditions
O.O.C. 28 Lexington Cir. - N. Rocheleau moved to issue a standard OOC with 2 special conditions. 1. A stamped plan shall be submitted to the Board before any work is done. 2. A detailed plan for the retaining wall shall be submitted to the Board before any work is done. K. Strom seconded and the vote was unanimous with M. Scott abstaining.
A. Costello moved to close the hearing at 8:40 p.m. and R. Lowell seconded. The vote was unanimous.
The next meeting is scheduled for February 1, 2006.